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Old 04-01-2012, 02:07 PM   #377 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
I'm not talking about the harmonies. Carls voice is a bit on the monotone side if you ask me. It doesnt go up and down, it's just stays kind of flat. But that being said, I really like some songs he sings.
I'm honestly not sure at all times which of the five people singing during the song is Carl, but the vocals as a whole are quite beautiful to me and not at all monotone.

Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
I guess what I meant was it doesn't sound that experimental. It's on the innovative side of things but is still accessible and listenable for me, which is what I like. And what I mean by that is, it doesn't sound really crazy like some captain beefheart songs for example. It's innovative but so much that it goes off the deep end.

I dont judge songs based on experimental or innovative value alone. I like elaborate, innovative and experimental music, but I also like simple and traditional music. Just because a song is more experimental than another doesn't mean I'm going to like the experimental song more than the simple song. The Beatles also had pretty innovative and experimental music. Revolution 9, for example. There weren't any "pop" songs with a sitar in them until the beatles came along. The kinks emulated a sitar with a guitar but still didn't use an actual sitar. And George could actually play it without having to bring In a session musician.
Huh? You said "youd have to be old fashion and uptight" to like "Good Vibrations" better than "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" and asked how anyone could not "be bored to death" by "Good Vibrations". I was responding by explaining why I like "Good Vibrations" and pointing out the ways in which it was actually the least "old fashioned" of the two songs being compared here. One of those ways was the more experimental instrumentation.
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