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Thread: Real Hardcore
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Old 09-16-2005, 07:46 AM   #13 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Sep 2005
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Posts: 52

Im talking about hardcore, not in the literal sense, because lets face it at the other end boys, the music scene isnt very literal or academic at all... old school hardcore... well there was nothing necessarily hard about it... thats all im saying... with all due respect it was kind of lame and im glad its overwith, just dont jump on the oldschool "hxc" bandwagon and preah that its real and true... because dont kid yourselves, there was nothing good, and there still is nothing good about it... appreciate the music that we have now... unearth... yes does shred, and mvery very much so... i consider them to be at leaset in a creative in symbolic way... very very much hardcore... those guys will knock you on your ass.... i think the music scene needs to redefine its terms and lines, because kids now-a-days are becoming desensitized to new, good music, because theyre stuck on TRYING to be oldschool hxc, when its dead, and its never coming back... it's like disco in that sense.... but yes... unearth = metalcore, so does as i lay dying, i understand mah terms here, i needed to get your attention tho so i figured id say something that would most def. spark controversy... my point... though it may be a bit moot or irrelevant in everyone elses eyes, is that hardcore ebbs, and flows, oldschool hxc, post hardcore, emo-core metal core, even modern metal, they all base their roots in the same sub culture of kids who just want to have fun, they have the same beginnings, lets just quit with all the dumb label crap, kids cling to this **** too tightly... "oldschool" hxc'ers start **** with the new generation when the truth is we can't afford it... not with the direction the scene is heading as of late... if we war then we are destined to fail... hardcore has too many outside enemies as it is... that being said... much love, hxc for life.
Never shall innocent blood be shed. Yet the blood of the wicked shall flow like a river. The three shall spread their blackened wings and be the vengeful striking hammer of God. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
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