So what do you think about the theory that Jon Snow is not in fact Ned's bastard son, but the son of Prince Rhaegar Targayen and Ned's sister, Lyanna Stark. It's very popular among fans. As we all know, Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna, which was the reason Robert started his rebellion in the first place, and her last words to Ned was "Promise me, Ned", which might be referring to keeping her son, Jon, safe.
It's also worth mentioning that three of the Kingsguard were with Lyanna when Ned and Howland Reed came to rescue her at the Tower of Joy. That they would be there instead of protecting Aerys II or Rhaegar can only be explained if the heir apparent (Jon Snow) was present with Lyanna.
The reason Ned lied about Jon was to keep him safe from Robert, who might have killed him if he found out, due to him being a potential threat to his claim of the throne.
This would also make Jon what is referenced in the title, as his is the Song of Ice (Stark) and Fire (Targayen).
Now another stranger seems to want you to ignore his dreams as though they were the burden of some other