A mod should change the name of the thread to Tabletop Roleplaying Games
I used to play a lot with my friends back where I come from. We started playing Dungeons & Dragons when I was in elementary and we kept playing various games like D&D (of course) and just about all of White Wolf's World of Darkness games and occasional others like Shadowrun, Castle Falkenstein or Western.
After I moved to study in 2005, I haven't really found new gamer friends, but I get the rare game squeezed in here and there when I go back "home" on vacations. My friends don't play as much as we used to (used to be a weekly thing) so overall, we do it much less. There hasn't been a campaign lasting for more than a few months in a long time, I think, whereas before they'd last for years.
One of the funniest campaigns we had running back in the day was a WoD Changeling campaign. The Changeling game is not that great (imo), but our GM took the parts he liked and made something subtly different which was more our style. We ended up playing a gang of boys in a small Scottish town where all these supernatural events took place, but most adults were oblivious to all of it. I was a bit like Alice in Wonderland meets Eerie Indiana / Goosebumps. Great fun!
Inspired by that, I'm actually planning a similar game these days when I go back home in easter. It'll be a bit like our Changeling campaign, only the characters will be fully human and we thought we'd put the action in an alternative version of the town we're from. That way, we all know the setting and we can share GM duties. I'm hoping doing it like that, I can GM some, play some and hopefully, the campaign will keep going while I'm not there and when I get back, it'll still be familiar enough for me to step right into the action.