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Old 03-19-2012, 11:51 AM   #11342 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by ThePhanastasio View Post

Definitely on the darker side of the comedy spectrum. I personally enjoyed it and found Seth Rogen to be a very sympathetic anti-hero. Many others who detested the film think that he's horribly unlikable and despicable. I feel like, while exaggerated, the portrayal of Bipolar Disorder was fairly accurate. There were several scenes involving delusions which were scarily accurate.

There were certainly laughs to be had, but this film is pretty bleak. Many are all up-in-arms about a purported "rape scene," but that's not what I gathered was really going on at all.

Anyway, I'd give it about a 6.5 / 10.0. I certainly did care about the protagonist, was able to laugh at the hideousness and absurdity of the characters in the film, but the plot itself left something to be desired.
Your image is broken but it sound like you're describing Observe and Report.

Here's what I watched over the weekend.

Both of these are Stanley Kubricks early work. Seafarers was a half hour long commercial but you can see some shots that are distinctly Kubrick. Killer's Kiss was also pretty average but you can see his art forming in some scenes.

I'm not rating them.

Great movie because of the amazing chemistry and badassery of Paul Newman and Robert Redford. The actual film got lull and a little silly at times (the ****ing montage when they go to Bolivia), but I enjoyed it a lot. I love Paul Newman.


Started watching movies I taped during TCM's month at the Oscars. I love Fred Astair. The man vomits charm and he's one of the best dancers ever. Great movie.


I'm starting to delve into Allen's work recently and I enjoyed this to a point. It was funny, but the rest of the script just lacked for some reason. It was also a tad creepy and ironic.


I've only watched half of it so far so I won't give a rating but it's a VERY VERY dry and quirky comedy. Jesse Eisenberg is annoying me.

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