Music Banter - View Single Post - Buckethead: Greatest Guitarist Of Our/All Time?
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Old 03-15-2012, 01:21 PM   #9 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by blastingas10 View Post
Because Hendrix inspired Buckethead and nearly everyone else. He's one of the most influential and innovative guitarists ever, if not the most. And that will always trump technical ability alone. "Shredding" has become more popular over time, guitar players have gotten faster. This wasn't the case back then. Hendrix can't be discredited just because he couldn't shred like buckethead
Why should anything trump technical ability when you´re talking about the greatest guitarist of all time? Technique and skill is what i´m interested in when i´m referring to someone as the greatest, influence and popularity is irrelevant. Innovation however is very important and i agree with you that Hendrix did bring a lot of new ideas to the table, however BH took those ideas to a whole other level. Hendrix´s technique was flawed, BH´s is immaculate and you almost never see him make any mistakes. I would say BH is one of the most prolific guitar player ever having released 30+ albums over the last 20 years, on those albums he does a lot more than just shredding. His latest album is acoustic driven for example and its a masterpiece.

BTW sorry for the postponed reply ive been busy and sort of forgot about this thread...
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