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Old 03-15-2012, 11:39 AM   #11334 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Originally Posted by Howard the Duck View Post
watching The Avengers this weekend, probably
How are you doing this?

GREAT movie. This is actually my first John Woo film. I know that this was in a way opposite of the kind of films he makes but I was really impressed. The story was simple but well done and the camera work and action were top class. Highly recommend it.


Weird movie. There was a GREAT motorcycle chase towards the end of the film but the rest was filled BLAH. I enjoyed watching Eastwood do things like be a womanizer but it just got old after a while. I can't tell if it's supposed to be serious or not, I'm bad at that, but it was worth it for the chase scene and to see Eastwood act in a young role.

I enjoyed this. Definitely a movie you have to be in the mood to watch but it was moving and interesting and of curse very well acted and written by the two of them.


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