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Thread: Kony 2012
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Old 03-10-2012, 03:10 PM   #4 (permalink)
Get in ma belly
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Originally Posted by Pedestrian View Post
I think that doing fuck all and believing you are a hero is even worse than apathy, and if this is the way activism is headed, society is just as fucked as if it didn't know or care. Watching a video is not activism. Posting a status is not activism. Formulating an opinion through second-hand information and social propaganda is not activism.

I respect the hell out of anyone who makes an informed effort towards positive change, but I have nothing but contempt for most of these piggybackers. That's why there is backlash over these issues. It's not because we skeptics are selfish or against change, it's because facebook-activism makes a travesty of humanitarian work.

If someone could show me that five million facebook updates made a real impact, not just a sanctimonious public scene, I would put both my feet in my mouth on the spot, but I see no reason to be optimistic about change based on a viral video.
This is absolutely true and I think everyone needs to realise it.
They themselves know that what they do will have no effect, but want the warm feeling of having "fought some evil", despite having done nothing at all.

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