Originally Posted by Exoskeletal
I know this isn't supposed to be serious but neither Planet Terror or Machete was supposed to be serious and they were good movies. This was not. Way too campy and if I do say so myself distasteful. The acting was also atrocious. If you feel like watching a bad gore fest then this is your movie, but don't think it's going to be good.
Not bad. I expected a bit more but Johnny Depp was good in it like always and I enjoyed the action sequences.
About Hobo With a Shotgun - pretty much goriest movie I've seen in ages if not ever. I didn't find it distasteful really, but uncomfortable. Acting ... it's meant to be 'bad', it's meant to be 'campy'. It's not meant to be taken serious at all, but it does have a little bit of a lesson to teach (don't mess with the homeless dude with the shotgun?

No but really, there's a lesson under that gore somewhere). If I were that homeless dude, I woulda got back on a train and got out of there as soon as Ricky's head came off. Heh, I only checked out the movie because someone said Ricky was in it (of Trailer Park Boys - Rob Wells?) but he wasn't even a main character! Dammit.
Agreed with your Once Upon a Time in Mexico thoughts.