Originally Posted by ZeppelinAir
There has only been slasher flicks for the past ten years. No true great horror movie has come out in ages, the last one i seen and truly enjoyed was 1408., a rare good movie based on something by Stephen King. The creators, directors, producers and writers of these new movies have gotten lazy and the public expects the same ol crap. When a true new movie comes out people wont know what to think of it and wont get the reviews and respect it deserves.
Slasher flicks have been around since Psycho reared it's head way back in 1960 and was revived in 1971 with Bay Of Blood and again in 1974 with Black Christmas and then it got it's biggest jolt with Halloween in 1978 which lead to a slew of Slasher films like Friday the 13th etc.
No true great Horror movies in ages? That's because you are not looking hard enough and maybe relying on mainstream films to show you the way but films such as:
Santa Sangre
Le Calvaire
Kill List
Eden Lake
to name just a few have shown that there are still interesting and unique Horror films being made out there.