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Old 02-29-2012, 02:23 PM   #11222 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Wow. I know a lot of people hated the linear storyline and I'd be a liar if I said I knew what was going on all the time but I enjoyed this film. Malick is a genius with his camerawork. The way he portrays emotion with his shots just can not be duplicated by anybody else. Every time they were outside in the grass or inside the light filled house I could feel what it would be like to be there. It was very nostalgic. One of the most beautifully shot films I've ever seen.


Heavy movie. I loved how Von Trier shot the film like a play on a sound stage. The ending was pretty ****ing heavy though. Great acting and any movie that uses John Hurt as a narrator should be seen.



Very beautifully shot but slow and mostly uneventful. I enjoyed it more for it's look rather than story. Bronson and Drive are so much better.



Very gritty and brutal crime drama. Michael Caine is always a favorite and I enjoyed this one.


This is why I hate most action movies. Creative writing takes a backseat for stunts and explosions. Whoever wrote this should not be proud. Not enjoyable at all.



We watched this in my film class today. I have seen it about 6 times now and it's one of my absolute favorite films ever. Not much that hasn't been said over again. DDL gave a top five acting performance of all time. Paul Dano got robbed of an Oscar nomination because of wonderful year for supporting actors. Dano should have had Phillip Seymour Hoffman's spot in the ballot. Perfect film and future American classic.


I'll try to be as brief as possible with my memories of that day and try to focus on the film. I put this one off for a long time, a LONG time. I live in New Jersey and can get to the Hudson River in about 20 minutes by car. I saw the smoke. I experienced the panic of trying to find out if loved ones were okay. I'll never forget that. That being said I thought this was a thousand times better than World Trade Center which I was tricked into watching far to early, basically when it came out. Greengrass, unlike this year with Extremely Loud...deserved his Oscar nomination for direction. He treated this the best way he could by delivering it basically in real time and without bias. There was no hollywood cuts, or extremely dramatic shots accompanied by powerful music like there was in WTC. The film was intense as it was inspiring and I honestly didn't think I was going to shed a tear at the end, but I did. This is going to be the only time I watch this but I wanted to get it over with. Very well done.



Last edited by Exo; 03-01-2012 at 12:00 PM.
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