I used to be addicted to opiates, and it was a hell of a ride. I only shot up twice, and a week after the second time when I was about to go even more downhill and shoot up regularly, I overdosed on a prescription cocktail filled with everything that I could get my hands on, but mostly Xanax, Vicoden, and antidepressants. My friend was with me and we had to go to the hospital and we both had to be resuscitated multiple times. It's pretty shocking to know that you've breached the other side and returned to tell the tale, but I was legally intoxicated for weeks after the overdose. After those weeks came to a close and I was just debilitated, I had get clean.
I still do drugs, mostly psychadellics, marijuana, alcohol, and other things in stressed moderation--only indulging in a splurge as the blue moon rises. I believe that I've escaped my addictions as a whole, so long as I don't relapse. Haven't touched any opiates since, and I'm feeling pretty happy about that. I don't believe that I'm addicted to the drugs that I still do, it's just that I greatly enjoy them. I've gone for weeks without any of them and was fine, so I think that I'm in the clear from the prowess of addiction
