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Old 09-09-2005, 04:07 PM   #3 (permalink)
ArtistInTheAmbulance's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2004
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WOOOOOOO I hate it.

1. My form. They SUCKED so much. When I was eleven and first joined, I was labelled as "EFFING GOFF" because I had long brown hair. YES I see the logic there...

2. My lesbian PE teacher. Too "touchy feely" for her own good. It was wrong. I swear she would feel up us girls, but she always just said she couldnt help it, sports was very physical....

3. My maths teacher. She barked instead of spoke. And she had a mullet. And she smelt of bad eggs and vomit, all the time.

Yeah ok I would go on but I got bored. Hah.
shake your wings like theyre laced with sound!
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