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Old 02-27-2012, 12:28 PM   #10 (permalink)
Get in ma belly
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Join Date: Oct 2011
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Originally Posted by bob. View Post
i have crohns disease and no large basically i constantly feel like an alien is trying to pop out of my guts....and when i use the restroom....which is at least 6 times a is basically liquid waste mix with bile and stomach acid which often cause external bleeding.....when i have an attack it is crippling and i often have to hospitalized due to severe dehydration
Ugh, that sounds unbearable. That's incredibly unlucky for you, I feel really sorry.

Almost don't want to post any complaints from me, someone will probably tell me to man up, but here goes anyway:

As some people know I do a lot of competitive cross country running, without doubt the SHITTIEST sport ever devised, and it takes it's toll on people quite a lot. Some time last December, my knees really started to hurt at the joints from the constant pounding since we had to run on tarmac because we're all fucking pussies and scared to get our pale lags all muddy from all the shit lying around in Manchester...
And one night I was a bit late getting out and we had a seven mile training run, and I wanted to catch up so I didn't do up the laces for my trainers.
And since they weren't tight, after only about ten minutes, I had blisters on each foot from the chafing against the loose shoes, which eventually forced me to stop.
Well, as soon as I'd dipped them in the lake or done something similarly retarded (there was a small gap in the ice), I put my shoes back on and continued at a much slower pace.
And this is the important bit: I carried on running on the sides of my feet so the blisters weren't too badly scraped, but this meant that there was the entire weight of my body placed on the sides, which is really bad for the joints there. And I was crazy enough to complete the entire run like that.

After all that, it appeared there were several medical consequences: I'd somehow got the nearest I could to having a dropped arch, I'd pulled a tendon, and one of the blisters was peeled off and it hurt like hell...
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