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Old 02-27-2012, 12:16 PM   #66 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Posts: 181

I'm addicted to weed, even though they say you can't get addicted...maybe you can't get chemically reliant, but you can get addicted to anything. And I count on smoking it often so that's an addiction but I reckon I have it under control.

Addicted to tobacco but got it under control, probably addicted to coffee.

In general I've got an addictive personality so I get addicted to whatever I'm interested in, and then keep doing it until I get bored...

Tobacco, and possibly weed. I'm an insomniac, and for the last month have been using weed almost every night to actually fall asleep. It's got to the point where if I don't have a zoot in the early hours I become anxious and actually scared of lying in bed awake amidst pitch black silence. It's a totally vicious circle, or at least it feels like one.
Dude I used to be the same. Try this - Don't sleep for 24 hours. You'll be so shattered that you can set yourself an earlier time to sleep and establish a more normal sleeping pattern. Then roll zoot during the day it's a reason to get up man
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