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Old 02-25-2012, 10:17 AM   #11194 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
I have tried 3 times to sit through this and never managed it once. Can't stand it
It's funny because one of my co-workers who is in to movies said the same thing. I have a thing for alien movies so I guess it was easier for me to sit through it but the final act is well worth the wait. Just great cinema there.

Somebody described this as the Australian Magnolia. No. No it wasn't. That being said I actually did enjoy the film. The acting was good and the story was well written. I just wasn't floored by it. I also ended up thinking the main actor was a prick and that the two women were whores. I couldn't get attached to them at all. Camera work was nice.


I never got around to seeing this until just now. I like Mike Judge's humor and found this to be somewhat funny. I didn't understand why it got such a bad screen test and was barely marketed. Fox were a bunch of jerks for that one. Judge has made them plenty of money in his career and this film really wasn't that bad. I even laughed during some parts.


I also watched two of David Lynch's short films, Boat and Absurda. Both were retarded. I'll never say that anything by David Lynch is bad because I respect his mind and attempt at trying new things, but these two just made no sense.


Last edited by Exo; 02-25-2012 at 03:03 PM.
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