Creep (2004)
Sort of good horror movie with plenty of disturbing sh
it in it, and a few inspired moments, but didn't really add up to much unfortunately. I wish the plot had been developed a little more. Franka Potente was okay, but not nearly as enjoyable to watch as she was in
Run Lola Run.
Tetsuo: The Bullet Man (2009)
Japan is the only country on this planet that could have produced a movie like this. Sci-fi, video gamish and fairly geeky, this film is also violent, disturbing and weirdly artsy. Imagine what a hybrid of
Eraserhead and
Akira would be like and you have a pretty good sense of the overall feel. Definitely interesting but I wish the director hadn't chosen to make the movie in English since, for me, all it did was highlight how awful the acting was.