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Old 02-21-2012, 10:35 AM   #11177 (permalink)
Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by eric generic View Post
Drive is the best film from 2011 that I've seen.

If you want more Refn, start with Pusher. It's easily his #1/#2 film.
I must be the only one who didn't like this movie. I got tired of watching Gosling stand around with a stupid look on his face. Also there were only two driving scenes and they hyped it like that would be a central part of the movie. I just wasnt taken with this movie, but i seem to be alone in that thought. IMDB certainly rates it high and I normally find them to be spot on with ratings for the most part. And as Jack said, The Believer was a fantastic movie.

Saw J. EDGAR last night. Dicaprio was very good, he really had the mannerisms and voice down really well. I tend to like historical pieces, as you tend to find out stuff you very rarely know. I found his biography which was a top ten seller was far more informative, but books normally are. It started very well for about an hour and seemed to drag on a bit in the middle and latter parts. I felt the overall movie was worth a watch, but I wasn't deeply satisfied with the way they ended the movie. They left out the whole fifties red scare theme which I thought would be central in the plot. Definitely worth a watch, but not as astounding as i imagined it would be.
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