I'm quoting you all in one post here.
Originally Posted by James
Turn off some life support machines.

I don't want to become a murderer! That's pretty damn funny though and would be pretty fun if it wasn't extremely immoral and unethical.
Originally Posted by skaltezon
You got some good breaks, including a relatively small scar.
Relax and rebuild -- it'll all be there for you when you come out. Peace. 
Originally Posted by Unchained Ballad
Drink some tomato juice, spit it out and make them feel like Dr. House.

I would love to have House as my doctor. Bad bedside manner but he's incredibly intelligent. I'm the one taking the Vicodin though!
Originally Posted by Blarobbarg
TV Tropes is a great website for the more geeky of us. Just look up your favorite book, television show, movie, band... whatever, really... and then read. And click links. And read some more. And click more. And get lost in it for over an hour.
If you like webcomics, go on an archive binge. Go to the first page and move on from there. I recommend The Order Of The Stick (DnD humor), pvpcomics.com (general geekiness humor), Multiplex (comic about the employees of a movie theater), Shortpacked! (comic about employees of a toy store), and anything else by the Shortpacked guy. He has links to all his other work on the website. You can also go to their "webcomics" section and find a HUGE list of webcomics in many different categories. Look around for one that fits your tastes.
Cracked.com if you're interested in juvenile humorous articles and lots of Top 10 lists. Not usually "funny" per se, but there are some exceptions. Good way to waste time.
StumbleUpon is excellent. Make a free account, enter in your personal tastes in the category list (which is enormous) and start "stumbling" to websites. Really good way to find... anything, really. I've used it to find humor websites, comics, videos, new music... very useful.
Hope that helps. Get better!
Oh you're a lifesaver, thank you so much. I can get lost on cracked.com!
Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
I don't have any suggestions, but I hope you feel better and recover quickly!
Thank you
Originally Posted by tore
You could do some retro gaming. How about checking out The Curse of Monkey Island or Monkey Island 2 : LeChuck's Revenge?
You can run them both on a windows computer using the program scummvm. ScummVM also lets you play lots of other classic adventure games. Let me know what you think and I could probably help you find those game files you'd need. We're only talking a few MB per game.
Lemme know what you think!
My computer is Windows 7 64 bit, so I don't see a problem. I'll check it out! Thanks tore