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Old 02-18-2012, 11:32 AM   #7 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Absolutely right. Or, as Homer put it: "Talk about a preachy book! According to this thing, EVERYONE's a sinner! Except that guy."

Not to mention Reverend Lovejoy, a man of the cloth, no less: "Everything is a sin! Have you ever actually sat down and read this thing? Technically, we're not allowed to go to the bathroom!"

Seriously though, people relying on a two-thousand year old book for modern advice is about as inspired and advisable as us computer geeks still reading the DOS 5.0 manual and trying to make it work on our computers. Technology moves on, so does time, and attitudes change. No-one could have predicted, when the bible was written, what would happen in the future. Had it been written "It is a sin to fly like the birds of the air", would the Wright Brothers have been stoned to death?

Fundamentalist Christians use this sort of crap all the time to backup their conservative, "family-values" worldview. It makes me sick. Jesus is probably up there now slapping his hand to his forehead going "No no no! You couldn't have got it more wrong!"
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