I know the Jo Lemaire one and it certainly has a nice atmosphere and is catchy too. Smith give a very nice soulful version of Baby It's You. It's a quite early Bacharach/David song and not one of their very best for me, but it's ok.
I agree that there's plenty of good music that can be found in the past as well as the present. Adding to that I'd say there is plenty of good music from other countries that most people don't bother with, including much good music in other languages that most won't listen to just because it isn't in English.
And certainly not all bands/singers want to confine themselves to narrow genres. Some of the more creative ones will actually mix elements from different styles. Often they then get missed by people as they don't fall into a more simple genre classification that both the media and most of the audience seem to want. Ultimately artists will create what they want, whether it be narrow or not. I blame more some of the audience and those funding their recordings in some instances for pushing some music towards a more copycat and bland direction.
non-cliquey member of every music forum I participate on