Originally Posted by Euronomus
I know it's a little late but I made a list for another forum I frequent where this topic is still being discussed so I figured I'd throw it up here as well.
1. Mr Gnome - Madness in Miniature
2. tUnE-yArDs - w h o k i l l
3. Chad Vangaalen - Diaper Island
4. Other Lives - tamer Animals
5. Chelsea Wolfe - Apocolypsis
6. Esben & The Witch - Violet Cries
7. Russian Circles - Empros
8. Earth - Angels of Darkness, Demons of Light pt1
9. Bjork - Biophilia
10. the Joy Formidable - The Big Roar
11. ...Trail of Dead - Tao of the Dead
12. Mogwai - hardcore will never die....
13. 65DOS - silent Running
14. Jesu - Ascension
15. IAMX - Volatile Times
16. *Shels - Plains of the Purple Buffalo
17. Hooray for Earth - the true loves
18. SubRosa - No Help For The Mighty Ones
19. Shoppers – Silver Year
20. Six Organs Of Admittance - Asleep on the Floodplane
21. Implodes - Black Earth
22. Fen - Epoch
23. Efrim Manuel Menuck - High Gospel
24. Giles Corey – Giles Corey
I was aiming for 25 but I honestly can't think of anything else that was even decent last year.
The only two I'm familiar with are TuneYards' and Russian Circles' albums though I heard good things about Mr Gnome and Jesu.
I do recommend, if you care to, to go through the thread and see if anybody elses' list has artists you know about that had albums out last year you may have missed. I noticed you didn't think there was a 25th album to add. I felt there was an amazing amount of great albums last year. So much so that I had a top100. Now surely I could have made it a top 80 but that didn't sound great, so I included some albums that I thought were honorable mentions (mind you, I didn't put them up there at all if I didn't enjoy them thoroughly but some aren't mind-blowing, sure). Food for thought.
Thanks for sharing. Better late than never. I wrote my 2010 list in May 2011 for example