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Old 02-16-2012, 03:37 PM   #308 (permalink)
Dat's Der Bunny!
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That's kinda of a hard question to answer. I tried to earlier and I got bogged down in a veery long post on the kind of things one should have in their kitchen if they're planning on cooking, which I can post if you want but it is rather long and probably not what you're looking for!

Here's two relatively simple recipes for two really nice snacks: Spinach Soup, and Rocky Road. I apologise for the rough measurements, but it's from memory.

Spinach Soup

A large saucepan, enough to hold about 2 1/2 pints of water, preferably with a lid
A measuring jug
A blender (hand blender or food processor, so long as it works :P)

2 or 3 decent sized potatoes
1 large onion/2 medium onions
3 vegetable stock cubes
1 bag of spinach


Preparation - Chop the onions and dice the potatoes finely, and wash the spinach if you need to.

Melt a knob of butter on the lowest heat possible in the bottom of the saucepan, enough to cover the bottom of the pan with a good layer of melted butter. put the onions and the potatoes into the pan, and put the lid on. Leave them to cook slowly until they are both soft, stirring them occasionally to make sure they don't stick to the bottom. after about 10-15 minutes, they should be nice and soft. Dissolve the 3 stock cubes in 2 pints of boiling water, and add that and the spinach to the pan. Leave it to cook for about ten minutes, then blend it all until smooth. season with salt and pepper, and you're done

Optionals: Add some cream to the bowl when you dish it up for some extra richness, or fry bacon and chop it up finely and add them in for a little crunchiness. Goes very well with Irish brown bread, but unfortunately that's quite difficult to get outside of ireland :P

Rocky Road


1 saucepan
1 baking tray
baking paper (enough to cover the tray)

Ingredients (I think)

A healthy tablespoon or two full of golden syrup
half a large bar of plain chocolate (200g, I think?)
marshmallows (as many as you want)
half a pack of digestive biscuits.


This is ridiculously simple, and very difficult to stop eating. Add the golden syrup and the chocolate to a pan, and melt on a low heat. Smash the digestive biscuits up into pieces smaller than a 50p piece and dust, and add to the mixture with the marshmallows when it's melted. Mix it all together, and throw it on a baking tray (well, on baking paper on a baking tray to stop it sticking). Pop it in the fridge, and wait an hour or so till it's (relatively) set. Eat.

Soups in general are really easy. If you use the first two steps regarding the pots and the onions, it forms the base for any vegetable soup. Meaty soups might be different, I haven't tried making any yet!
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