i was in a Stoner/Punk/Hardcore band back in highschool ..... tho it fell apart fast
Drums-Me i had just started learning drums for only a year and was already in a band !!!!! yikes but i was not bad they kept telling me i was a fast drummer .... but later on i slowed it down IMO i brought the stoner/Doom to the band before that they were just some punk/hardcore band but i was never really into that at the time
Singer- he would just get High before every practice and was not that good of a singer
Guitar- Prob the most talent in the band i swear this dude was churin riffs that sounded like a Dark soundgarden like but could also play fast riffs like misfits like
Bass- the bass player was not that good either and half the time he would miss practice !!!!!!!!!!!
Long story short we didnt practice enough and the singer left the band because he said he wanted to skateboard more ...LOL... and u know how that is once a singer leaves we all kinda fell apart