Originally Posted by restoremaz
Nobody cared about him till "somebody that i used to know". now hes huge,and thrashed over here on commercial radio. kind of like kings of leon before "sex on fire".
I love this comment. I loved it so much I threw it in here and left if for a week. I sat on it. Its the sort of populist rage that runs rampant on any musical community. "Remember when this band was good? Then the ****ing radio played them." The radio, as you're aware, is Adolf Hitler.
But Gotye is not Kings of Leon. I'm not defending the man in any capacity, it should just be noted that sane people will understand that these are not similar artists. No judgement - just different.
So at first measure this seems like an old, familiar argument. When something gets popular it becomes ****. Why? Well this is a rant for another time, but it should be known for the purposes of reading this that when you make a statement like that it says more about you than it doesn't about the band/artists/act you're attacking.
But back to the point. The sentiment, is irrational from the jump. Historically, Kings of Leon blew up when they appeared in a car commercial. Was Sex on Fire bigger? Of course it was. But what you should really be concerned with here is that Sex on Fire is the best song on a ****ing terrible album. Why does that matter? Because the radio's playing cover-up man for what the real symptoms are.
What we're to suppose from a statement like this is that the radio is the downfall of the artist here, which is really the chicken before the egg. Whether the artist gets played on the radio or not shouldn't determine our opinion of the artist, what should determine our opinion of the artist is whether or not their music sucks. It so happens that occasionally a downgrade is music is accompanied by radio play. I'd like to cite REM.
But the grave sin of the comment quoted above is not a misappropriation of blame, but of a mis-association
and blame. Gotye is as bad as Kings of Leon? Where am I? Who's the President?
So Gotye got a hit. Thats true. Kings of Leon got a hit. Also true. But here's the Pepsi test.
King of Leon
My apologies. That last one sounded like what i imagine riding in a pickup truck in Missouri to feel like. What these dickheads don't get is looking like the Avett Brothers but sounding like Creed doesn't cancel each other out. Dear Kings of Leon, go **** yourselves.
But if you can block that out and get back to the previously posted Gotye video. Is it a fair comparison?
No. So why the hell did I write a blog post about this? Fair point, sir or madam. Fair point. What I was trying to do (and didn't want to soil a thread with) was point out here how a blind rage toward commercialism mutes and blunts your critical mind. I hate to sound like a Monk of MB but if you can't steel your tastes to remain in-line with your principles, you're going to be rootless and float unmoored through an "it all sounds the same" depression.
What I can't stress enough is that looking into the microcosm and declaring a pandemic is going to achieve nothing but personal ennui when it comes to music. I hope I've expressed myself well enough. For the good of our children.
Happy Meditating.