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Old 02-14-2012, 10:56 PM   #660 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Alfred View Post
I don't think there's ever been a time where I feel as musically out-of-touch with MusicBanter as I do now. It seems everyone who's a fan of punk/hardcore (my favourite kind of music) has either left the forum or doesn't care for it past a certain decade.
I'm one of the guilty characters of whom you speak, but my taste isn't based on a decade necessarily. I'd love to talk about punk/hardcore more too but you definitely have a different general taste for the stuff than I do, regardless of when it was made. With you, it's kind of a "if you have nothing nice to say then don't say anything" thing for me.

Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
To be honest, that's how I always feel here. There's certainly a few people who I have a decent amount of overlap with, but there's not a particular forum where I've ever felt at home.
I consider your journal(s) to be forums themselves and I like pretty much all of the music you talk about there. I think I have an Editor's Pick aversion. I like to see my posts show up immediately. I should get over that.

Originally Posted by Burning Down View Post
I feel the same way. But I listen to a wide range of stuff, so I have maybe a couple of things in common with people, but that's it. I am very passionate about classical music, but there doesn't seem to be too many other people here who can talk about it to the Nth degree like I can. Maybe Erica and a couple of others, but that's it.
I don't have nearly your level of academic knowledge of it but classical music is ingrained in my soul. I should try to talk more in depth over there.

Two more I should mention are Urban and Canwllcorfe. The former has great taste in obscure NWOBHM and I also have a lot in common with him regarding Brit 90s stuff. C-Corfe has good taste in general and he's often into stuff that became available, like, just yesterday.

Anyway, all mentioned here should know that I take it all in even though I rarely respond.
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