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Old 06-28-2004, 01:20 PM   #126 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 50

Do your really one of the stupiest people I have seen. You really disappoint me, especially since your a foreigner. ESPECIALLY because you are an AUZZIE. Good thing ur not a German, because Germany and France are the only intelligent countries it seems in Europe, well Spain joined the group too. You dont listen to the media or press. Wow, where do u get your information then? Conspiracy websites? Everything is media, media means anything that informs through audio, visual or other means of communications. I guess u didnt know that since English isnt ur first language, well its not mine either, but I guess that just means your not informed, oh well. Seriously dude, go read a book or something, this is hurting my brain. Many people in the US dont like Bush any more and you, a foreigner, like him. JESUS ****ING CHRIST, I am out of here. This is lame we already explained all this in previous posts that you were to lazy to read. I even said I wasnt American. Go read before u post. Anyways, I got to go work, cant wait to see the november elections results, bye.

Originally Posted by Yellow Card
OK people first of all i would like to start off by saying im pro bush, yeh thats right p-r-o--b-u-s-h i say it like that because most of u seem to have hearing problems or are just plain stupid, the problem with u guys is because all you do is listen to the press, ur all to thick too think on your own (which im not surprised considering ur American), im a big supporter in the Iraq campaign, i dont care what u have too say the fact is Saddam Hussien and his evil sons had to be stopped at what ever cost, if anything we shouldve invaded the country years ago.
have any of u taken the time to look at the good things that George Bush Jr has done?
or are u all too arogant too look at both sides of the argument.
ive researched the bad and the good about ur president and i think he is what us auzzies like to call- a fair dinkum champion.

Im goin to leave it at that, ive got more, but i want to find out how long it takes for someone to respond to this thread.

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