Originally Posted by Howard the Duck
i am not saying that he's only just not as good as the Fleet Foxes
i'm saying he's not good on any kind of level
there are no tunes as such, and when I put "For Emma" on, I want to throw my speakers at the wall
That's kinda my point. Were you simply saying that he isn't as good as Fleet Foxes I'd agree :P Music doesn't need a melody or a tune in order to be music, and I respect the fact that you might simply not like it, but the fact that you don't like it doesn't instantly make it atrocious.
To be honest, the simple fact that he has achieved an award despite "looking like someone who would do my accounts" as someone so gracefully put it on that "who is bon iver" tumblr, speaks of a certain amount of talent. Neither does he seem to use any "gimmicks" in order to further his music in non-musical ways. If it were the kind of music that only a hipster could like, then it wouldn't have made it to the grammies because no self-respecting hipster would want their music soiled by publicity. It only leaves one option, which is that people actually like it for the music.