The Negative Effects of Porn (May be NSFW)
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02-10-2012, 11:00 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2008
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Originally Posted by
Yes people like to watch other people f
cking and even imagine themselves being involved.
But if there's one thing that will put you off porn forever it's the probability that you are watching two (or more) HIV-positive adults screwing and perhaps even infecting each other. Yes AIDS is a big problem in the porn industry and makes it all the less appealing. Think about that the next time you're jerking off.
AIDS in the pornographic film industry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Aids fears force Los Angeles porn film industry to shuts down after star tests HIV positive | Mail Online
List of HIV-positive people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(scroll down a bit)
As tore pointed out, even your own sources seem to be counter to your claim. The entire industry was even shut down after the announcement that just one pornographic actor had contracted HIV.
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