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Old 02-10-2012, 02:03 AM   #243 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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Originally Posted by CanwllCorfe View Post
Why thank you! I've never understood that constant need for guys to go after girls and have sex. Part of a relationship, sure! I mean it's nice, but the feelings surely don't last long. And even then, there's still post coital tristesse. I look forward to the warmth and affection.
Honestly I think most guys feel that need because they feel they have to, to be a man. Guys compensate for not getting any or not getting as much as the next guy by objectifying and being overly sexual about women. I see this all the time, its like when the hot girl walks in the room and suddenly your buddy ignores you/everyone else and acts totally different so he will impress and get with the girl.

I think that I described is what hot girls or guys for that matter mean when they say everyone acts different around them. To me its sad, its being weak minded and putting value in looks and not the character/personality. Sure we all love beautiful things but their are lots of them out their. I see tens if not a hundred good to great looking girls everyday while just walking about and going to work.

I think the guys/girls (mainly its guys I would think) that display this behavior have very little self confidence and self worth. We all know people that do it, and even if they are getting some and dont have a problem finding a girl/guy they are not happy with themselves therefore think this mythical beautiful creature will like them more if they act this particular way.

I feel a beautiful girl is lucky to like me. This isnt because I am so self centered and stuck up but because I put most of my stock in thought and intelligence instead of the superficial (which I do to some degree). Sure I care about how I look and I like when people approve of it but I realize the fact that who I am mentally makes me a worthy and worthwhile person. Again I hope this doesnt sound conceded, I use myself just to prove a point that people should credit themselves on what they know and do and not how that cute girl/guy thinks they look across the room.

I am such a terrible writer, something I have always wanted to be better at. My thoughts come out so scattered and dont follow the logical path in a story or point so bear with me. Sorry if the above was confusing.
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