Originally Posted by The Batlord
Yeah, not gonna happen. Porn is just one of those things that's morally ambiguous, but will never go away, like alcohol. So, you've just gotta get used to it.
i was in the midst of typing this when my timer shut off my line (i have a curfew) yesternight:-
i have yet even gotten used to alcohol
i'm slightly allergic to it and i get rashes whenever i drink
doesn't stop me drinking
porn doesn't do that and i'm not allergic to porn.... so........
Originally Posted by Mighty Salami
Awww no, I don't mean the weird violent stuff: I am referring to when you talked about porn where both people seemed to be happy and enjoying the experience. If that's the case, watching it with your partner ought to be OK, surely, and shouldn't really be awkward or discomforting?
some of my previous exes watched porn with me regularly, and one even beat her meat to it
my fiancee is not open to it, though - she's just not into that