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Old 02-09-2012, 10:27 AM   #27 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SIRIUSB View Post
Obsessions/Addictions are not good, but doing something you enjoy, often, certainly is.
Do you mean that by the fact that you enjoy something, it makes it right? Many people enjoy smoking, but it's bad for them, ultimately filling their lungs with tar and limiting their ability to breathe properly.
As such, there is the possible emotional damage with porn - breaking up relationships and generally becoming addicted to something which has the potential to damage the way you see love.

Kids who grow up watching porn are likely to have very different ways of viewing sex, and probably changing the way they act as well.

Originally Posted by duga
I get annoyed with how dirty and shameful most cultures have made sex. It's a vital part of human - actually make that any creature's - existence. It should be celebrated. There would be a lot less dysfunction if it were.
This is true, in Japan there seems to be some sort of revulsion against pubic hair (personally, I hate it), but considering it offensive makes as much sense as being offended by the sight of any other functional part of the body.
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