Okay, I mistook for a US study, I am defeated. The control group was still irrelevant to the real issue, thank you for ignoring that and all of my other points.
Keep thinking its harmless. 10,000+ nerve endings and sensitive tissue removed from an infant before the glans is even ready to separate from the skin. Harmless, except for the typical risks that involve surgery.
Perceptive. You're bright.
Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
Did someone complain about your uncircumcised cock? You seem a lil hell bent on the acceptance of uncircumcised penis just saying.
Sometimes injustice is aggravating...
The inability to make a choice for yourself because some aged tradition makes it for you is an aggravating concept to me, and I can't believe that anyone defend another's rights being violated. I'm much more volatile towards our drinking water continuing to be fluoridated though and its terrible results. Including big build ups of it in the aquifers, as there are no natural filters for it.
There's likely people on here that would argue for that as well.
Originally Posted by Tuna
Oh in regards to this...
America vs. China
Reportedly, 26% of Chinese men report ED as opposed to 18% in the US.
And yet, China only has around 15-20% circumcision rates to US's 90%.
I realize that there is more to ED than circumcision, but that's a hell of a gap to be blaming circumcision for it, especially when the US doesn't even have the highest rates of ED.
That study doesn't explain what's contributing to ED in the two. Circumcision has rendered some men impotent, this is documented. It hardens up and keratinizes the glans, which gets further desensitized over time. There's many personal verifications of this from guys that have been circ'd.
I didn't say it was the single cause, but it is certainly at least a contributor to some of that percentage of ED in the US.
As for China, much of that country doesn't get anything close to proper nutrition, which what your body takes in as fuel does directly relate to sex drive. They also have more illness outbreaks than the United States. So I don't think its a good comparison.
Look, at the end of the day, if there's even a good chance that circ will reduce pleasure or severely complicate a male, it obviously shouldn't be forced on an unconsenting child. Common courtesy to your fellow human.
I'm leaving it at that.