I apologise Urban Hatemonger. I apologise everyone. I do not want to **** you in the eye with moustached twizzle wax. That would be as unpleasant for me as it would be for you. I was just defeneding the ladie's honour. Peace.
u know what i'm not really. I may appear my self as a "bro hoe" bitch with large boobs from california doesn't mean i have no personality.. I have fun I party i'm loved by friends my boyfriend and his friends, I care for everyone, im a sweetheart, and i make everyone happy. I'm also going to school to do something with my life.. sooo no I dont sit around like a gold digger bitch mooching off my boyfriend or pass out after 2 beers .. thats bs
Woah woah I don't need your life story we don't even live on the same conitnent. Same planet though! So welcome to MB and if you need any help with forums just ask
Sorry for my atrociious spelling my fingers are taped up from jamming on my guitar
So I kept jamming.
Beenn a god day