Originally Posted by steveeden888
Crukster. I have already written a book about you. It was an example to demonstrate, and point out a man who is way smarter than I  And, actually has contemplated, and, forms his own individual thoughts. And, some of your comments I did not understand at first glance. But, I did not jump on my keyboard, and, make accusations that I placed on you for my lack of understanding. I went back and read them carefully several times, and, I managed to comprehend what you presented, for the most part.
I will simply add that the circumcision thing is also due to the fact that back then they had a sanitary issue. Serious bacteria can grow under that wicked overhang, and, I believe that may have played a role as well. Pork was an issue as well. And, Allah made it clear that He turned men into apes and swine, so, it may have been an issue of eating your dead relatives 
That's cool but you shouldn't write a book about me, because I'm no-one. You should write a book about your understanding of things I've said.
Pork is definitly an issue in the Middle east because of ringworm, and heat causing it to multiply rapidly. I don't eat pigs because they eat anything.
Tore I answered your comment in the other thread man so the topics don't get mixed up.
EDIT: That is actually not ****ing cool at all mate, you haven't even asked me. Don't write a book about me, my kids are gonna write a book about me. **** me being no-one you're no-one to me, you ****ing idiot!
For the love of yourself, man, I just wipe my arse on the internet and you write a book about it? Jesus ****ing Christ do better, Muhammed and Buddha you absolute twat. Wipe your own arse don't wipe mine, because I will literally hunt you down and bludgeon you to an unpleasant death with your book if you write a book about me.
****, mate

Are you actually retarded? ****ING DO BETTER
Why does this always, without fail need to be said to one loser? Just read. Just ****ing hear out my ideas, man. \m/
forget cheesefest, grow some balls, twit.
Social form of a colonoscopy, yep, well I learnt go **** yourself before I kill you, all day, all the time, from my actual colonoscopy in a real life hospital where they stitched back together my bloodied remains. You wasn't there, so **** me if jim steveden is the guy who writes my life story (!)(!)
Do better, cos I'm already a lot better than any of you at a ****load of stuff. Keep the **** away from me.
That song is mine. That book is for my kids. I pledge my balls.
And that's not even a song. That's a measly, worthless, internet post.
I don't need help. I don't need pity. I don't need worship.
I just pity the fact a lot of people don't understand the significance and importance of mother****ing life and death.
You're dead to me, book dude! \m/ \m/ \m/ I already cheated death, level 2 **** you all for nothing!
So literally, please **** off and do not reply.
x \m/
Do not quote it because I wrote it. Write your own, you muppet. If that's cool we'll talk.
If that's not cool it will be very, very clear to me and I will not want to talk to you.
Have a nice life, cocksuckers. If I ever meet you, I am actually ending your life, literally, I will probably lose my temper, very quickly and murder you if I don't know, and respect you. That's the only way anyone will ever take me seriously.
And **** the film I'll make my life more like my porn.
\m/ \m/ \m/ \m/ cm dsnv.ndsvjbjfn vmkdnvsdlvkj'lv;.s,mv.xm snv kofipvopweoijvrioigejfvmf/,vbndc sdn vm,c, sc/.cmnbcjkz\b cnxz fdfddddddhhhhhhhhhdfjdnvjnvn **** nuggets