Originally Posted by crukster
There are proven medical benefits such as decreased risk of STDs if you outlaw child circumcision you outlaw setting a broken bone or removing the appendix of children too.
Makes no difference to the functionality man, I've been snipped and my dick works just as well as before.
Crukster. I have already written a book about you. It was an example to demonstrate, and point out a man who is way smarter than I

And, actually has contemplated, and, forms his own individual thoughts. And, some of your comments I did not understand at first glance. But, I did not jump on my keyboard, and, make accusations that I placed on you for my lack of understanding. I went back and read them carefully several times, and, I managed to comprehend what you presented, for the most part.
I will simply add that the circumcision thing is also due to the fact that back then they had a sanitary issue. Serious bacteria can grow under that wicked overhang, and, I believe that may have played a role as well. Pork was an issue as well. And, Allah made it clear that He turned men into apes and swine, so, it may have been an issue of eating your dead relatives
I just wonder how bad it must have hurt. Abraham was 80 or 90 I believe, and, no finely sharpened surgical instrument. Did he use an axe? Whack!

Okay Ishmael, it's your turn. Lay that little sucker on the rock. Okay, but, do you have any Novocaine, or anything for pain Dad? Nope, Morpheus, aka the LG, said He used all the Morphine when He drugged Adam to sleep for the rib surgery. We had to have a woman boy, they just don't grow out of trees.
Man evidently has also demonstrated a propensity for phallic worship, so, someone wanted a pretty one. It certainly wasn't a perfect creation. So, a little snip snip was in order I suppose. But, Moses never had to circumcise his lips. Why not? He said he was a man of uncircumcised lips. Maybe he just had to have some collagen injections. Who knows? He was a heck of a magician, so, he may have simply waved his rod, and, turned it into a serpent who bit them off

It certainly could explain why Aaron had to do all the talking.
Sorry. Time for the second best Siamese Twin ever created.
Rock and Roll! Second only to 'sex, drugs, and rock and roll'. Lord, I hope someone has a sense of humor. I'm predestined and have no freewill anyway, so, I can't be held responsible
I am oh so fascinated,
I am oh so entertained,
standing here like a comedian,
I repeat what I said, again and again and again
until the meaning has become an imitation of itself,
an impression of an original defeats the fuc*ing purpose.
I don't know where this is going,
but it's looking more and more like the same place where we started.
Oh good God, holy ****, the joke's on us, not on them.
Kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers, and firemen.
Oh good God, holy ****, the joke's on us, not on them.
Kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers, and firemen.
And everybody's watching the lead singer in the bands.
The guitars explode into a drumbeat that's driving.
It's pretty fuc*ing boring, ah don't you think?
And of all the things we'd ask,
of all the ways we'd like for it to be,
they're just drunken conversations,
song lyrics sung at the top of our lungs so desperately.
I believe in a power that is of and by the people.
I believe in an art that cannot be compromised.
I believe that I will endure, and I will overcome.
And I will sing it until I no longer remember the reason.
What was that reason?
Oh good God, holy ****, the joke's on us, not on them.
Kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers, and firemen.
Oh good God, holy ****, the joke's on us, not on them.
Kids pretending to be astronauts, police officers, and firemen.
And, Tom Gabel does not give a sh*t about rhythmic structure
What I wonder is if the entire concept of God exists purely as a socio-psychological justification for working together
Maybe it's an evaluation, as opposed to justification. It is something we cannot seem to accomplish, that's for sure. Maybe it is our hearts that need to be circumcised.
Sorry. I did not intend to be lengthy, as usual. Or, ramble on this reply. You have some tremendous insight. But, that may not mean much, as I apparently have none. But, I believe you do. I wish more people would contemplate and post, instead of reading and quoting. And, mocking and insulting others who post their own thoughts. I also write like I talk, I don't consider the vocabulary. I am a simple hillbilly. A man with uncircumcised fingers.