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Old 02-04-2012, 09:30 PM   #1177 (permalink)
blankety blank
Join Date: Nov 2011
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Posts: 310

Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
Steve's a great guy, he loves Styx.....enough said.
Thanks dude. I do love Styx. Not the river so much, but, the band is one of my all-time favorites

I do have a question, as I see you might be from London.

What is the deal with the Cockney Rhyming Slang? I read about it, and, got completely lost Stairs for example. It becomes 'apples and pears', and then you remove 'the pears', and, stairs becomes apples. Why remove the pears, when pears rhymes with stairs, not apples? Or, is that the point of the concept?

I have to go up the apples, the dog is ringing, and it's probably my trouble

Did I get that right? Just curious. It is interesting, but, quite confusing I must say.

thanks mate. I appreciate the comment.
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