Originally Posted by RVCA
I just found out about this. I will be going to one of their southern california dates
Also, the Mastodon, Opeth, Ghost tour dates just got announced. I'll be seeing them on April 26-- Mastodon for the second time but Opeth and Ghost for the first, which works out well since Opeth is closing on this particular date
the two bands together should really make for quite a special evening
you know not really being that big of a fan of Mastodon....i have to say that i feel they would be pretty amazing live
Originally Posted by Janszoon
It's longer than 30 minutes, though obviously not as long as your trip. That's what so weird about mine: If you're going to have a show in the Philly metro area, why on earth would you have it in the suburbs?
i won't lie....i had to google where it was

....and i agree....but you should still go man....do they still have public transpot in the city of brotherly love?