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Old 02-01-2012, 02:36 AM   #14 (permalink)
Registered Jimmy Rustler
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**** i missed this god mother****ing damnit.

This band might be more doomy but iv got to post something. Checking out all your links right now!

Birch Hill Dam

@mojopunk I want to plant a big kiss on your face. Didnt see your post till now. The atomic bitchwax is an incredible band as you can tell by my user title. If you havnt listened to 1-3 and their new album I strongly suggest it as they are all amazing. Also dont forget the live album Boxrif as its top notch!

Also that Goatsnake album is great. I would have posted Flower of Disease as that is an amazing start to any heavy album. Do you know if they only have that one album out? Id love to listen to more.

Lastly I hope you have listened to Frquencies From Planet Ten and Time Traveling Blues as they are easily just as good as The Big Black. Scorpiana thogh is one killer song. Their is a live version on the deluxe album.

I lied, lastly is actually a kudos for posting red fang. Their videos are always funny and low budget. I havent listened to White Hills, what would you suggest I start with?

ps: I think you would really like Birch Hill Dam if you dont know them. Id gladly send you a link.
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Last edited by Dr_Rez; 02-01-2012 at 02:45 AM.
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