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Thread: Steel Panther
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Old 01-28-2012, 12:20 PM   #7 (permalink)
hip hop bunny hop
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The problem with Steel Panther and its pointedly lowbrow “humor” is that it's less a case of the cool kids picking on the wimpy kids and more a situation where the folks involved have decided it's just easier to pave the yellow brick road by lampooning the very thing they’re good at. Audiences generally enjoy –if not embrace outright—this type of stance because they've all bought into the myth of the “guilty pleasure.” It's not really cool to dig on hair metal or spandex pants or weird illogical songs about Satan, but damn does this music rock. So they're content to make a big 'ol time having a laugh at themselves. Well, not at themselves, really, but at those other people who really love it. You know, the ones they used to be like before the mortgage, kids, and day job convinced them they were idiots.

...that's right, folks. Steel Panther is too ironic for Vice magazine.
Have mercy on the poor.
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