Originally Posted by Necromancer
I like his solo career better personally, but I agree that its overshadowed by Black Sabbath. They're really two different styles of rock, Ozzy solo and Black Sabbath.
I'm not really a big fan of the pretenders myself (just mentioned them by random for the sake of argument)  I've always liked Patti Smite and Scandal. I actually like Patti Smith as well, just playing along for the sake of argument with you Soldier. This place gets boring sometimes, try to add a little entertainment to the subject.
You take this stuff way to serious.  Your not any Fun at all!
Ah I wondered why you were mentioning Patti Smith in this discussion! You were referring to Patti Smyth of Scandal who is far more comparable, of course I like Scandal and as you know I'm a huge fan of rock from the early 1980s. Talking of female fronted bands of that era, what did you think of the Motels another band I always liked?
Of course I take it seriously, I'm a geek and I take this stuff seriously. Insult one of my bands and you insult me.