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Thread: skyrim
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Old 01-25-2012, 03:13 AM   #228 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
Horribly Creative
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Strangely enough since bringing up the point about playing perspectives, without thinking about it too much, I'm now more or less completely playing in first person as I feel it gives better immersion into the game and even in dungeons I'm in first person, I only go into third person in battles.

As I[m only on a low level still, I was surprised how difficult the chorus creatures were in the Shimmering Cave to kill, the only way I could beat them was to divide and conquer and with Lydias help kill them individually.

The Falmer leader and his bodyguard were much harder, I had to strategically plan how to kill him and that involved leading him on a merry chase and killing him in an ambush type attack. I got very lucky though with his robotic bodyguard as he got stuck in a doorway and I was able to pick him off with a whole load of arrows.
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