Originally Posted by Abstract
Okay.. what confuses me is the fact that not too long ago you were bashing Adele and her music to no end. But all of the sudden you now like her? I am seriously confused. Also, you spend all this time trash talking about Lady Gaga and I haven't once seen one constructive post from you what so ever. If you aren't going to contribute positive ideas to the thread then don't post!
In simpler terms, either contribute or GTFO.

I have never diced Adele. Someone else did. First of all, I said that Adele is someone who is the best current artist. I was saying is that one person who keeping music from collapsing is Adele. She has a great voice. I am a big fan of Adele and there is nothing wrong with Adele. She is a great humble woman. She is someone who just wants to make music. Not all mainstream music is bad though most are. But there are artists who focus on music. That is why I love Jennifer Hudson and Adele so much. They want to be known for their singing which is what I judge more.
Lady Gaga is one of the most overpromoted artist I have seen for a long time. I can give examples. 2010 Grammys, Gaga was supposed to win album of the year and the new artist of the year. None of them went to Lady Gaga but to the other artists. Better example is the AMA awards. It was said and even myself thought Lady Gaga was going to win the album of the year and the artist of the year. Guess who won those awards? Taylor Swift. Yep, the country was more accepted than Lady Gaga. Even Music critics know that Lady Gaga is overpromoted as result she has lost some thunder.
No wonder why Adele's 21 ended up having more success than Lady Gaga's BORN THIS WAY.