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Thread: Adele
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Old 01-23-2012, 12:46 PM   #135 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle View Post
Wow, you Lady Gaga fans can't handle it huh. I did not even mention your idol. All I was speaking about is how in my view Adele is one of the few musicians today making real music. I also like Jennifer Hudson. She too focus more on singing than trying to act whorish as we see from most female stars today. Most of today's music is usually dull and has nothing to show. All I am saying is that there are few good musicians. Adele is one of them. She is someone who has just a great voice. She is someone who justs can bring that poetic voice we don't see anymore or hardly occurs.

Adele is a great singer and she is someone who is her true self. She loves simple soul music. I like that. She does not pertain to be perfect. She is someone who is a human being and just makes herself a humble woman. I like that. That is why I love Adele so much.
Okay.. what confuses me is the fact that not too long ago you were bashing Adele and her music to no end. But all of the sudden you now like her? I am seriously confused. Also, you spend all this time trash talking about Lady Gaga and I haven't once seen one constructive post from you what so ever. If you aren't going to contribute positive ideas to the thread then don't post!

In simpler terms, either contribute or GTFO.
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