My sister still uses the iPod Touch my dad found on the road around 2 years ago. It's scratched all to hell (the back and sides, not the screen) but works wonderfully.
Originally Posted by Zer0
Something about the whole grey metallic construct of Apple products in recent years seems cold and soulless and the software seems pretty much the same.
It's sort of the nature of form follows function.

It's one of the basest principles in design, but not many
truly follow it. I imagine what you said could definitely be a factor. They don't exactly exude warmth or people friendliness. It's all very exacting and logical. I personally love it, but I'm biased. I know Jony Ive gets a lot of inspiration from Dieter Rams, who's pretty incredible. If you look up some of his stuff, it's all black, white, silver/gray, with occasional flourishes of wood.