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Thread: skyrim
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Old 01-19-2012, 08:09 PM   #198 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
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Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier View Post
I doubt I'll be seeing any of that anytime soon, whatever I seem to do the frost troll just obliterates me.
Troll fat is just one of the many alchemy ingredients in the game. You're not really missing anything by not having any unless you're really hardcore into Alchemy (which you'll probably waste anyway trying different combos of ingredients). Even then, you're still not at any kind of disadvantage, as everything you can make is pretty much everything you commonly find in vials anyway.

Originally Posted by Mykonos View Post
I don't really like using the environment to beat enemies unless it's an actual trap that you're meant to use. It just feels like grinding to me. I wouldn't dare say cheating as I was the one using Skyforge Steel at level 3.
Using the environment is a valid strategy to be used when it's appropriate and/or necessary. While I agree that it's probably not as kosher if we're using major game bugs to succeed (however necessary for lower-level players once in a while), the general concept of using your environment to your advantage isn't taking anything away from general playing or intent. If anything, it's adding to the dynamic of battle. Like Tore's method of using a tree as a barrier, that doesn't take away from the game's intent.
Sure, you could just stand in front of your enemy and hope to out-slash/out-magic him, but if that was the only option, Skyrim would be the stalest game ever.
The fact that there are options is what makes the game interesting and fluid. For example, the fact that I can let an enemy chase me to the edge of a cliff and suddenly double around him and gently "Fus" him off the edge isn't "grinding". It's freedom. It's what makes the openness of the battle system worth experiencing over and over in many different ways.
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