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Old 01-18-2012, 06:19 PM   #120 (permalink)
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Healthcare in America will never be universal. And frankly, I don't think it should be. Never mind the geographic limitations, or the Constitution, Universal Healthcare can't and won't be achieved because you either go broke covering for people who walk out of successful cancer treatments and smoke a pack a day, or get a stint and swing through the drive-thru on the way home, or you tell those people to go screw, and then its not universal.

I look at expanding healthcare like I look at War. Universal Healthcare is an occupation. What we need is an exit strategy. Medical issues that don't have degenerative qualities can be covered, and i think should be. You fall off a ladder and brake a bone, its an easy fix. Take it in taxes and stop giving people great concerns.

For actual medial issues, I say this, I'm someone who walks everywhere, exercises on a regular basis (when i'm not dying of a cold), try to eat healthy, and don't smoke or drink excessively. I'm working to minimize risks. Why not tell people who refuse to conduct themselves in a healthy, intelligent manner to go **** themselves?

Musicbanter has a way of making me sound like a Republican, so heres one more, why should I support these medical freeloaders? If you have a genetic issue, or are a high risk factor, thats one thing, but when you look at folks like Paula Dean who recently came out and said she had Type 2 diabetes, yet is on television weekly throwing 3 sticks of butter in her recipes.

Before Universal Healthcare can take root in this country, unfortunately the ignorant have to suffer for their ignorance of common knowledge. And that isn't going to happen if we keep propping them up.

Somehow, on a similar note, given Santorum's comments recently on how "poor" people should overcome, I'll be voting for Ron Paul in the Republican Primary this year. Again, still going with Obama in the general, but I'd prefer an honest person who isn't a racist nightmare (insert Liberal one-liners below).
I've moved to a new address
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