Originally Posted by s_k
Sure sucks.
I'm not sure what car insurance/road tax (if any) costs there, but overhere it's quite allright.
My car cost me about 850 dollars. It's got some dents but it drives very well. Mileage is reasonable, about 112500miles. These Peugeot engines are pretty much indestructable so I'm not too worried about that.
Insurance is about 250 dollars a year, road tax about the same.
Fuel on the contrary... I pay 1.56 euro's a liter in Germany (overhere it's about 10 cents more expensive).
A gallon is 4,55 litres. So I pay 7 euro's per gallon, which is about 9 dollar a gallon. So that's insane.
Thats pretty cheap! I have some friends who seem to pay almost that much a month!