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Old 01-16-2012, 07:45 AM   #111 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by tore View Post
I think americans need to realize that stuff like a public health care system is not a quick fix. It would take many years to get that right and I believe that sort of stuff is what the US needs. It seems that by the political standards of many U.S. citizens, european countries that are generally better off as basically communist. What we think of as a sort of middle road seems to be regarded as a political extreme in the US.

Less power to the government will mean a government even less able to do stuff like offer a proper public education or health care to those who can't afford it. Because of such problems, people again have less faith in the governments ability to do anything. It's a negative circle which should be reversed, a process which by American democracy would likely take a long time to do.

Your society of winners and losers is not freedom. Someone who's life starts out in a drug and crime ridden ghetto without proper health care does not have the same chances to succeed in life that the well-off do who can send their kids to private schools. When the cream of society is only available to a minority, that means you have an oppressive class system.

If you want freedom, people should have equal opportunities of f.ex becoming a doctor or a biologist and that means stuff like proper education and health care should be equally available to all. The further away you get from that, the more crappy society gets.

In the end, people should vote for everyone and not just themselves. After all, if you vote for a better society, you're part of that society. Your kids likely will be too.
As much as I want free healthcare and better education in less fortunate areas, our politicians and the majority of America are too stubborn to give in to any sort of major change.

I honestly don't even feel like voting in the coming election, maybe that's because I'm an idiot when it comes to politics.
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