Music Banter - View Single Post - Ne-Yo - Great Songwriter
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Old 01-14-2012, 08:37 PM   #13 (permalink)
Arya Stark
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Well whether or not the people on Music Banter "like" the songs Ne-Yo has written, and the examples of the songs he's written in this thread, all of those examples and many of his own songs have been quite popular in the past. He does write catchy pop music, and it's great to listen to. People can relate to his songs.

In "Unfaithful," the speaker is talking about the cheating they've done to someone who loves and trusts them. It's not her crying about being cheated on, but instead, her admitting to the horrible things she's done to her significant other.
In "Irreplaceable," the speaker is cheated on but isn't crying over it either. She is strong and she is taking a stand. She's telling the man to get out of her house and get out of her life. It's like a cheating anthem. Something that's probably been played on repeat by many girls and women who have been in the situation.
In "Spotlight," the woman is not about to be controlled and followed around by a man, no matter how much he says he loves her. She's going to "do her," and she's going to be independent. She doesn't need a man telling her what to do all of the time.

These songs are so easy to relate to AND they're catchy. That's why they're popular, and that's why he can be considered such a good songwriter.

I'm a HUGE fan of Ne-Yo's, so I have a lot more examples about how his songs and the songs he's written are good. And I get it, the music fanatics of music banter don't like it because he's not playing all of his own instruments and writing super kewl riffs and being alternative and ****, but I don't think he has to be.
Originally Posted by Sansa Stark View Post
I'm down with Jesus, in that case.

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